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Masters of Sighisoara II
Yurian Stonebow & HeroOfPunk
15. Dez. 16 English
H3 - Shadow of Death Kampagne (K) + U
1/1 3079
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Yurian Stonebow
21. Dez. 16
Thank you for the feedback. There is no need for me to update the Campaign any further as the errors you listed are all tied in to the main story. They are not errors at all but serve a purpose. Some are for decorative reasons, some because of events in the storyline. These will not break the game. It is safe to play the Campaign. With best regards, Yurian Stonebow
19. Dez. 16
The maps have several errors like unreachable objects, missing hut of the magi or keymasters tent.
Please correct and update your campaign. - v3.0 - © 2000-2024 Gunnar Grimm - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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