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Mission 2: The Dead Zone
Arama Marius
25. Okt. 10 English
H5 - Tribes of the East Mittel (M) + U
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25. Okt. 10
Nowone knows or heard from Zehir for a long lime and because everyone has there hands full, it seams that Raelag is the only one that can reach the Silver Cities and find out what's going on. Rumours say that the Demons took control over all the Empire. The only thing that is uncertain is how, could they be that strong after a devastating war that tock place just eleven years ago. With that in mind, Raelag's last problem that could concern him is getting through the Dead Zone, the place through wich runns the shortest path to the Silver Cities. - v3.0 - © 2000-2025 Gunnar Grimm - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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