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The Forgotten Hero
08. Okt. 10 English
H5 - Tribes of the East Riesig (XXL) + U
1/3 + Team 6136
10.0   (1 Bewertungen)

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23. Sep. 10
Hallo Creator

Besten Dank für Deine viele Arbeit zu dieser tollen Karte mit einer prima Spiel-Idee.
Leider stürzt das Spiel recht bald nach Erreichen des "Kontinents" regelmäßig beim Zwischen-Speichern ab. Es läßt sich dann auch nicht mehr laden. ( Absturz )
Sehr schade, - ich würde die Karte sehr gerne zu Ende spielen.

Mit herzlichem Gruß

30. Aug. 10
Dark times threaten this land once again. Zoltan, a powerful necromancer, has allied with the orcs of the north and threatens to conquer the kingdom of men. The only hope lies in recovering a sacred artifact, called the Armor of the Forgotten Hero, which was used in ancient times to defeat the demonic invasion. You have been sent across the ocean to retrieve this artifact from the tomb of the legendary knight who wore it many years ago.

Additional Info: This map is a RPG type map with a good amount of quests. It incorporates resource management but no town building/development. The strategies required to complete the map require strong knowledge of creature and hero abilities and spells. The map is very large but plays a lot smaller than it is; it should take about 6 months to complete. I recommend reading all the messages in the game for hints and guidance. There is a walkthrough provided if you need further help. - v3.0 - © 2000-2025 Gunnar Grimm - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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