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Sanquinary Ascension
30. Aug. 10 English
H5 - Tribes of the East Mittel (M) + U
1/7 + Team 3192
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30. Aug. 10
This map is timed, challenging, and plays similar to a campaign. I designed it specifically to require thought, skill, and detail.
The crowd cheers you on as you battle the land's greatest Gladiators in a fight to the death.
The more enemy blood you spill, the higher you ascend in the rankings.
Only by uniting the four regions can you optimize your wealth and military strength, but this alone may not be enough to resist the impending forces that threaten this pristine region.
Bloodshed, Loyalty, and Exploration are paramount to your success in a land where things are not always as they seem! - v3.0 - © 2000-2025 Gunnar Grimm - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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